Hikari No Seijo Densetsu
27 September 2005
The wallpaper above is from the game I so desperately want to get right now - La Pucelle Tactics. It's made by Nippon Ichi, the same people who made Disgaea, and Phantom Brave. All 3 of them are tactical RPGs where you move characters around on grids. Been wanting to play Disgaea for awhile now but never got around to buying it. Apparently, La Pucelle was made before Disgaea but was never released until now. I've been trying to find it on the internet for the best price since it's always stupidly expensive in shops - £34.99 in GAME says it all. I've found it for the lowest prices of £24.99 inc. delivery from www.play.com but they've sold out completely. I can't find any copies on eBay apart from the NTSC versions, which I don't want because they have a crappy front cover. I guess I'll have to wait until it comes back in stock before I can play it. I'm not paying anything more than £24.99 for it, that's for sure.
Posted byHocchan at 4:24 pm 0 comments
Once More Into The Breach
25 September 2005
There, it's done. My (4th) Tesco application form has been handed in today. I'd better bloody get a job or I'm going to petrol bomb the sodding place. With petrol from the conveniently placed petrol station they have there. I'm serious...
Posted byHocchan at 8:27 pm 0 comments
Remember My Memories
23 September 2005
Good news!! After almost 1 year, I've reached level 75 with Samurai in Final Fantasy XI. Let us rejoice!!! Has been such a struggle getting there. Unfortunately it isn't over quite yet. /sigh There's the small matter of Merit Points to deal with. I've decided to take a break from the game and make a start on the Merits later on. Decided to go back to Ragnarok Online for now. Been playing on the AnimaRO server and it's been fun.
Not much has happened job wise. Been applying to a few vacancies but nothing's really happened. Going to have a go at Tesco again since they have Christmas vacanies. Really need a job soon though or I'll be screwed.
Posted byHocchan at 9:24 pm 0 comments