Moruze, Moruze!
27 December 2008
Merii Kurisumasu! I know it's actually been two days since Christmas but it's never too late to wish people a Merry Christmas (unless you're saying it in June). I'm currently at home for the Christmas holidays. It was a hectic last few days at university before I left. I spent so many hours trying to get an essay and portfolio finished before the end of term. I successfully managed to complete the 2,500 word essay and hand it in a whole day before the deadline! Unfortunately, my portfolio wasn't quite so easy to finish. I don't think I'm going to get a very good mark for it but I'm hoping it'll be above 50%. The reason for the tardiness was due to the fact that I'd left it a little bit too late to start recording my speaking task. As a result it turned out a bit crap. Oh well, there's still the second half of the portfolio to come in semester two. Hopefully I'll be able to rescue it by then.
As well as the portfolio, there was an exam in the Background to Japan module. It was only meant to be 30-minutes long but for some reason it ended up being 60-minutes. It was a good job too because I spent the whole hour writing non-stop and only just about managed to get everything down. It was the first time in almost six years that I'd taken an exam but it seemed to go quite well. I spent the previous day revising and luckily, everything that I'd revised came up on the exam. I was very relieved! Therefore, I'm expecting a decent mark when the results come back.
As a reward for my hard work, and to celebrate my twenty-fourth birthday, I bought an Xbox 360 console. It was only £129.99 so it was hard to pass up. I do plan on getting a Playstation 3 too eventually but I'm waiting for the next price drop. It's still too expensive to buy one at the moment. I'm really enjoying the 'next generation' games. I bought Eternal Sonata and Grand Theft Auto IV. The graphics looks amazing, even on my rubbish portable TV. I'm planning on getting a decent 19" LCD TV in the new year when my student loan arrives. I bet it's going to look fantastic when connected via HDMI. I can't wait!
Posted byHocchan at 3:54 pm 0 comments
04 December 2008
This last week has been really hectic. Since last Thursday I've been spending almost every night in the library. And by night I mean from about 9:00pm until at least 4:00am. The reason for this was because I had to complete a presentation that was due in on Tuesday, 2nd December. Normally it wouldn't have taken so long to complete such a short presentation, but this one had to be based on a 2,500 word essay that's due in on the 16th December. Therefore, I had to get a basic outline of the essay first before I could decide what to include in the presentation. I managed to write about 1,500 words in three days before I switched. I was working on it right up until 7:00am on the morning of the presentation. Thankfully, it wasn't until the evening so I still had plenty of time to get some sleep beforehand.
In the end I think I did OK. It was only in front of about eight people but for some reason I felt a little bit nervous. As a result I probably spoke too fast and stumbled over some of my words. But the main thing is that it's all over now and I can relax somewhat. I've got two weeks to write the last 1000 words on the essay, as well as complete my Japanese portfolio. Finally, I'll have to revise for a short thirty-minutes time essay at the end of the semester. It shouldn't be a problem though. I can always grind out some more late-nighters in the library! Those are really fun since there's always three or four of us there and we mess around quite a bit. I haven't had so much fun in a long time.
Posted byHocchan at 2:11 am 1 comments