Pari Pipo
03 April 2009
It's become surprisingly difficult for me to think of stuff to write about on here since starting university. It seems like a bit of a paradox but it's like there's less less to write about when there's more happening. It might be because there are so many events occurring that I can't remember them all without taking notes. However, that's hardly very practical. I'm not some detective who carries a notepad around with him everywhere he goes. I think the only solution would be to make smaller posts on here and only include small pieces of information each time. I'll have to evolve my style of writing once again; from the massive behemoths of 2007, to a more compact prose for 2009. Hopefully that will motivate me to update more often. After all, I did say that I was aiming to write over 150 posts this year. I'm already quite far behind my quota for the the first three months so I have to pick up the pace to compensate. I think the summer months will help, though. I'll be so bored that I'll have nothing else to do but update this blog continuously!
I thought that I'd found a solution to my bike storage problem a few days ago. I figured that it might be viable to rent a small room in one of those short-term storage facilities over the summer. That would enable me to store my new bike (along with a few other bits and pieces) until I move into my new flat in September. Unfortunately, after looking at the costs, it doesn't look like I'll be able to afford such an expensive option. The best price I could find was £11.00 per week. Considering that I'd have to rent a space for about eight weeks, that's quite a lot of money to be spending. So, it looks like I won't be getting a new bike in May after all. Not unless another solution appears.
Next week will be the final few lessons of the semester for me and it feels kind of sad. I can't believe that I've almost completed my first year of university already. Granted, there are still a few weeks remaining after we get back from our Easter holidays but they'll mainly be for revision and exams. Most of the teaching will have finished by next week. I've enjoyed most of modules this semester, and I think that's down to the fact that we've had some very good lecturers. There are a couple that I won't be seeing again next year which is unfortunate. Having a good lecturer in your class just makes it so much more enjoyable than if you have a bad lecturer. I really hope that the second year of teaching will be just as good. However, the first year isn't over yet, though, so I still have to keep working hard until May. Kakatte koi!
Posted byHocchan at 6:35 am 2 comments