It Was Your Bloody Fault!

Success! I can now buy things online again! My replacement debit card arrived in the post today and it was accepted by Amazon. It turns out that the problem of not being able to use my Visa Electron card online was isolated to my old card. I don't think I'll ever be able to find out why it suddenly decided it wouldn't work, but I don't really care anymore. At least I now know that Halifax were the ones at fault after all. My new card is practically the same as the old one and yet it was accepted with no problems at all. So screw you, Halifax, you lying bunch of halfwits, it was clearly your fault. Try listening to your customers next time instead of trying to fob me off with a shitty excuse!

Posted byHocchan at 10:17 pm  


Anonymous said... 8:52 pm BST  

Hey Hocchan,

I see your still alive :p
Are you going to play Final Fantasy online 2? FF14.


Contact me on facebook
Kenny Zwiers

Hocchan said... 8:58 pm BST  

Heeee! No way! It's been years. I'm planning on playing FFXIV, for sure. I still have my character on FFXI but I don't play anymore.

I've searched on Facebook but can't find you. Is that your exact name?

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