Akemashite Omedetou
03 January 2006
Happy New Year! 2006 already. I felt I needed to make a few new year's resolutions in order for me to sort my somewhat stagnant life. Here they are:
1.) Get a job of some sort, fulltime or part time;
2.) Pay off all credit card debt;
3.) Start saving up for trip to Japan;
4.) Apply for Japanese course at university;
5.) Start riding my mountain bike again and doing more exercise in general.
Probably the main reason I wanted to make these resolutions was because of watching Kanon. I didn't like the series much at the very beginning. The first few episodes gave a very unpromising feel about them, like the story would be very shallow. But I found myself starting to get into it as the episodes went by. Horie Yui plays a very cute Ayu in this. I enjoyed her voice acting in this, although it wasn't her normal voice, more of a "acting cute" type of voice, but it was nice nonetheless. There's a lot of emotion through Kanon, with the conclusion episodes tugging at your heart strings. But in spite of all this sorrow, there was an underlying sense of hope and happiness. The ending was very satisfactory and gave a nice feeling of well-being. I wanted to feel like that permanently again. That's why I'm going to try my hardest to achieve these goals.
Posted byHocchan at 10:41 am