Shiroi Iro Wa Koibito No Iro
05 July 2006
At last, a post not associated with the World Cup!! (hurray, cheer) You're not escaping the Yoshizawa Hitomi photo overload though. /laugh
My current concern at the moment is regarding my university application. With the new school term starting in only a couple months time, I'm trying my best to get it done as quickly as possible. I'm going in to see my old teachers tomorrow morning so hopefully it'll only be a few more days before it's submitted. If I have to wait until next year I don't think I'll be able to survive. I have a real yearning to enter university and start a Japanese course. Even if my application is rejected by the university I'm going to hound them until I prove to them that I'll be a good student for them. I really want this course!
My Morning Musume addiction is still in effect. I've downloaded a lot of their songs so far and they've been great to listen to. Most of my hard disk space is being taken up with their concert videos. If I ever get any sort of spare cash I'm going to buy up some of their albums. Here's hoping!
Posted byHocchan at 7:14 pm
While reading a commercially related blog for some business that I am involved with I accidentally hit a "Next Blog" trigger and, voila, there was your blog.
I just wanted to tell you how refreshing and honest I found your thoughts and that I very much appreciate the various complexities that you find complicating your burgeoning young life. Should you choose to respond to me - friendship only, I'm enormously older than you - I might be able to help you over some of the rough spots. I can still remember the uncertainties and hesitations that life decisions impose on a growing psyche. Feel free to email me at: My name is Tom