Manabi Straight
11 February 2007
Just thought that I'd get something off my chest. There's one thing that I absolutely cannot stand when playing FFXI. And that is people who use Windower. You see, in FFXI the game will not run unless it's in full screen mode. Why Square-Enix decided to do it that way I'm not going to go into. No one can say 100% for certain and there are many bullshit answers out there. Due to this small but important feature you can't open up any other programs whilst playing the game (however if you have them running in the background when you start up the game they will still work). This mild inconvenience means that you can't go check your e-mail or open up the internet browser. What the Windower does is it goes against the game's programming and allows it to run without being in full screen. You may ask why is this such a bad thing? Well, the major reason is that any third party program which alters the game in any way is illegal and against the terms of service you agree to when signing up. This alone should be enough reason for no one to use it.
One reason I hate it is because of the TP feature it has. Normally you would not be able to see what TP your party members are on. So what normal people do is write a small macro which reports your TP in the chat screen. The very simple fact that there is a
There is also a tool for Windower which allows you to have infinite macros lines. This means you could swap a bajillion piece of armour in one single macro. People say, "oh, but with my job you have to swap so many pieces of equipment, wah wah wah". That's big piles of steaming bullcrap. You have a maximum of 4x4 piece of equipment on, including weapons. I change six of them at once, and then back again every time I do a weapon skill. That's the maximum amount of lines per macro, six. I have enough intelligence to work out my most important pieces and compromise. If you can't do that you need to work on being a good human being. Because that's all life is about, compromise. You can't have everything your way 100% of the time. Stop whining about what you can't do and use your bloody head.
By far the biggest argument for Windower is the ability to check the internet when you're stuck. Many a time have I wished that I could check the forums for solutions or look up a map when playing. However, never have I thought, "that's what I need, a Windower!!!". I simply log off (a process which takes no more than a minute) and then start my browser. It's not that much of an inconvenience is it?! To spend 1 minute of your measly life to log off and on. But no! Some lazy muppets out there need to have a Windower, so they can surf the freaking internet while they're partying!
There are loads more reason why I hate Windower but if I wrote them all out I'd be here all night. I'd also be so pissed off I'd probably smash my laptop in. So I'll end it with the biggest simple fact about people who rely on Windower: they're all lazy, illiterate sods who need everything now, now, now. Oh, and they're most likely cheaters too.
Posted byHocchan at 3:01 am
just read your friend's blog...goodness, he is like a more fiendish version of yourself. You almost seem less cynical. Makes me wonder how you two met...hmmmm... sounds like a good post! :P
Me, cynical? I'm not sure about that... oh, the irony, my sides hurt from the laughing.
But yeah, he is very much a more direct sort of person. I'm more reserved when in the company of you lovely people across the pond /laugh. As for how we became friends? Not much to tell really, we were introduced by a mutual friend about 13 years ago at school. I think it was the shared interest in these little plastic dinosaurs that were the rage at the time but we became good friends after that.
He's the English professor of us two. His grammar and spelling is far superior to that of mine. Call him if your country ever wants to learn proper English /laugh. I'm the brains of the operation though, as seen by my constant beating of his score in the National IQ test. Bwahahaha!
It was a fix.