Long Way Down

So many things to report but I've been too busy/lazy to update lately. I'm not really sure where to start. Well, I'll go with the biggest piece of news and work down. And what a piece of news this is! My prayers have finally been answered. Horie Yui will be releasing her 6th solo album next year! Hurrah! It's been a long time coming but on 30th January 2008 the album entitled 'Darling' will be released. It will feature her four latest singles (Hikari, Days, Say Cheese! and Koisuru Tenkizu) along with ten brand new songs. I'm wondering what the style of the album is going to be like. If the new songs are anything like the singles then it'll be very different from the previous albums. They may put some sample tracks on the website closer to release date and I'll be able to get a taster of it. This really has been the best piece of news this year. I was grinning from ear-to-ear when I read the announcement on the website. I was probably too worried to admit it but I was beginning to think we wouldn't see another solo album from Yui ever again. But thankfully this wasn't the case. Thank you Starchild. Thank you Yui. Thank you God! Screw you 2007, bring on 2008 now.

But wait! 2007 isn't going to be all bad. Because on 22nd November we're going to get the 4th expansion pack to Final Fantasy XI and it's looking like it'll be the best one yet. So far there have been two new jobs announced - Dancer and Scholar. They both look really interesting but the one I'm really excited about is Dancer. The AF looks absolutely brilliant and the new dance animations are a joy to behold. Not to mention the new play style that's completely different to any job in FFXI so far. It's just over a week away now and I'm preparing myself for a massive FFXI binge when it arrives. All the new areas to explore, new missions, new quests, new battles. It's going to be soooooo good.

Posted byHocchan at 5:37 pm  


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