Bad Wolf

The last few episodes of Doctor Who have been absolutely incredible. In fact pretty much all of this whole series has been really entertaining to watch. I never used to like Doctor Who that much but I'm really hooked now. I think the producers of the show have created something really brilliant since David Tennant became the Doctor. Catherine Tate also makes a good companion, even though it did seem like an odd choice at the beginning.

The thing that really makes me love this series is the constant cameo appearances from old characters. Next week's episode is no exception, it's got everything and everyone in it: The Daleks, Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Rose Tyler, the list goes on. I really can't wait to see it. I have a feeling that there aren't many episodes of the current series left though. I don't know what I'm going to do without my weekly fix of Doctor Who /cry.

The current season of dramas in Japan is also drawing to a close. There's only been two dramas of interest to me this time. One is Zettai Kareshi which I absolutely love. It's got such a brilliant cast and story. Plenty of funny moments and heart-warming scenes. I'll be really sad to see it end. The second drama is Hokaben which I haven't seen much of yet. The subtitles are quite slow for this series and it has a rather heavy storyline. I'll probably still be watching through it slowly during the next couple of months.

As for the summer season, I've picked out a few series to try out when they're released. At first glance there aren't many that appeal to me but I'm hopeful that I'll find at least one that'll hook me. I've noticed that a lot of my favourite actors and actresses aren't in any of them so that may be a factor. There should be the special of Hanazakari no Kimitachi E to look forward to at least. We'll see how it goes.

Posted byHocchan at 7:34 pm  


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