Fuck You, Nagoya!

WARNING!! Extreme profanities are in the following post. Reader discretion is advised. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Not all of Nagoya, mind, but rather just a small part of it. Namely the fucking shitty piece of shitty-shit that is the International House at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. Thanks to their tossing whorebag cocking ridiculous rules about visitors, my plans to visit Nagoya are now completely fucked up the backside with a rusty mace. My original plan had been to set off for Japan on the 22nd September, arriving on the 23rd, to spend a few days with my girlfriend in Nagoya before heading down to Ube in Yamaguchi. However, it now turns out that the stupid fucking piece of wank I-House will not even allow visitors to even step into people's rooms, nevermind actually stay there for the night. What kind of fucked up shit is that exactly? What do they expect me to do, completely destroy the place? Spread an infectious disease that wipes out the population of Nagoya? Just what the fucking-fuck is the point of that dicking rule? If you couldn't already tell, I'm pretty angry about this. Not only does it mean that I'll no longer be able to spend as long with my girlfriend as I would have liked, it also means that I'm going to have to spend more money renting a hotel room for the 4 nights that I'm going to be there.

But that's not the end of the bullshit, oh no! There's further steaming piles of putrid horse crap about to splatter at 100mph into my face. As a result of an utterly piss-poor wifi connection at the SHIT-House (might as well be called that), it means that my girlfriend has to go downstairs, into the public area just to be able to connect to the internet. Yeah, it'll be really nice to have a nice private conversation with her when there are a hundred faggots running around the place, looking at our conversation. And that's even if she does bother to come all the way downstairs to spend maybe 10-15 minutes talking to me. There goes the chance to actually have some meaningful communication with her whilst we're hundreds (thousands at the moment) of miles away from each other. Thanks, SHIT-House, thanks for trying to fuck up my relationship with your cock-shit rules. Bastards. Twats. Mother-fucking wankers. Go fuck yourselves, you utter wank-baskets.

Posted byHocchan at 4:29 pm  


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