Iku Wa Yo!

My laptop's hard disk drive finally decided to crap out on me a few days ago. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I've had it for about six years now; so it was probably overdue for a massive disk failure. What was strange was that it happened quite suddenly, without warning. I turned it on one day and a weird, Windows 95 style log in screen appeared. I tried to log into my account as normal but it wouldn't let me, no matter what I did. I tried to use the Windows CD to repair the thing but it didn't work. After several hours of frustration I decided to give up and format the hard drive and start again.

I wasn't too concerned about having to lose all my files since I'd copied all the important ones over to my external disk months ago (thank God I did!). There was also the added attraction of being able to finally get rid of the damned FAT32 file system that my hard disk was formatted in. It was a massive pain trying to re-install all my old programs from before the crash. At the moment, I think I've managed to get all the settings back to how it was before. Unfortunately, the laptop doesn't seem to be running quite as smooth as it did. It takes ages to do simple things like starting a new program or initiating a download from Firefox. At least that annoying sound-distortion problem is gone. However, it does look like I'll be needing a new computer sooner that I thought...

Things have been better in my studies. I got my first essay back from marking and was astounded to find out that I'd scored 74%! That's the equivalent of a 'first' (or an 'A'). And here I was worrying that I'd not even get above the 40% minimum pass mark. I hope that my next essay will get a similarly high mark. It's certainly spurred me on to try my best for it.

Posted byHocchan at 7:44 pm  


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