Frost Diver

The severe annoyance that is caused by some idiot wanting to have some "fun" by using a DoS attack on FFXI's servers, makes me want to go hunt them down and hit them with a shovel.

"Maybe I Should Get Another?"

Just in case you don't know what a DoS is, I shall explain. DoS stands for 'Denial of Service' which basically is a method of denying someone a particular resource. In this case it would be to stop (or make it severely difficult for) anyone playing FFXI. Why the hell someone decides this is a worthwhile activity to perform is beyond me, but these people really do need to be given a long, painful beating to teach them a lesson. /angry /fume

Speaking of FFXI, I've been having a lot of trouble levelling up on that game recently. I just can't seem to get past level 47 for some reason. Every party I join seems to break up after a few fights and it's beginning to annoy the hell out of me. I've take some time out by helping a friend get their character to level 20. That's been a lot more fun than trying to make a party work when they just want quick EXP, not caring about anyone else. I think that's done me good. Today I'm really determined to pick up my Great Katana, Magoroku, and reach my level 48. Thank you Rhiana for cheering me up! /bow

The curse of MMORPGs has struck again. My friend, and the leader of our linkshell, Hydnarok, has decided to leave the game for good. I can't say that this makes me very happy - I've lost a lot of friends over the last few months like this - but it can't be helped. "Shouganai na..." as the Japanese would say. I only wish him the best in whatever he decides to do and hope he keeps in touch. There, now you're famous Hydnarok! /laugh

On A Bus To St Cloud

Time for me to go back to Vana'diel. Maybe I play that game too much, but I have nothing better to do at this moment in my life so I might aswell enjoy myself with some friends. Soredewa.

Posted byHocchan at 6:49 pm  


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