
Yesterday afternoon was action packed to say the least. In case you didn't know the UK was battered by gale force winds on Thursday. Worst hit were the west coasts of the country. And what do you know? I live right next to the sea in the north west. Gusts of up to 100mph were reported and I can safely say they got it right. So, what would a sane person do on this occasion? Sit at home, safely tucked away from the gales, right? Well I'm not a very sane person and neither is my friend. We decided we wouldn't be put off by a gentle breeze! We got our coats on and headed into town.

On the walk into the town centre the wind wasn't too noticeable. But as we got nearer and nearer to the seaside it became stronger. Eventually we were no more than 100 metres to the promenade and it was "literally" blowing a gale. Trying to walk into the direction of the gusts was an effort in itself. Crazy as we were though, we thought it would be a good idea to get closer. After one failed attempt Mike came up with a nice plan of hugging the wall of a building to reduce the force of the wind. He took some pictures on his digital camera while I stood there trying not to get blown off my feet. While we were there we saw a woman get blown over, swiftly followed by her husband who was using a crutch to walk. We went over to help pick them up and usher them carefully away from the wind. All this time there were several taxis parked up on the road but none of the bloody tosspots bothered to help. Oh no, they were content to sit in their nice warm cabs, too snug to go help a couple who were in danger of getting run over. Little gits.

Posted byHocchan at 4:19 am  


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