The Future's Crap, The Future's Brown

According to some news reports, the world ended at 1:03am GMT on 27th February 2008. For at that precise time, with the epicentre in a small market town in Lincolnshire, Britain's largest earthquake in 24 years caused havoc across the country. Chimney pots fell from roofs, bricks and masonry tumbled to the street, and a massive one person was ever so slightly injured. Within moments of the earthquake all the news channels were bombarded with reports of tremors. All day on Wednesday people were giving accounts of their night of terror.

Here's my view about that night's event summed up in three words: For God's sake! It was a tiny earthquake. Measuring a measly 5.2 on the Richter Scale it wouldn't even have registered in a country like Japan. But here in England people were quaking (pun intended) in their boots. The best bit was when some stupid teenager uploaded his own analysis of the quake on YouTube. His expert opinion? Global Warming... Global Warming!? How much of a misinformed, moronic arsehole must you have to be in order to come up with that conclusion. Proof you shouldn't talk crap about things you don't understand. It makes you look like the biggest prick this side of the galaxy. I, for one, am glad I finally got to experience an earthquake (however small it may have been). I've been dreaming about being in one for ages (don't ask me why). I can't wait for the next one.

I want to take a moment now to vent my frustration at my ISP. I've been using Orange Broadband since summer last year and from the beginning it's been a major headache. The only reason I went with them was because I'd come to know Orange as a company with good customer service. However, that was years ago. Now some director at the top of the ladder has gone and pissed all the good work down onto their customers below. I'm really at the end of my tether regarding this company. It all happened because I'd gotten two months behind on my line rental. They suspended my broadband connection last Sunday morning without warning. I didn't even know I owed them any money until I called to find out why my Internet wasn't working. I tried to pay them by debit card but they were having none of it. Credit card or Direct Debit only. I asked them if they could send me an invoice so I could pay by Bank Giro Credit. Their response? Piss off (or words to that effect). Now my only option is to either open another bank account or use a prepaid credit card that charges you when you top it up.

The way Orange have treated me during all this has been severe bullshit. Not only did the NOT inform me of my outstanding balance for two months, they didn't even bother to tell me they would be disconnecting me. No letter, no phone call, not even a fucking e-mail. This coming from a company that's supposed to pride itself on customer service? It's absolute toss. Now they're actively trying to stop me from paying my bill. All the while I'm stuck with no goddamn Internet connection (not that the broadband I had was reliable any way). I'm completely livid. First chance I get I'm leaving this bollocks-excuse for an ISP. You'd have irritated me less by just stabbing me in the back with an ice pick. Useless bunch of muppet-tosspots.

You know the funniest thing about this? There's some bloody conspiracy trying to stop me from publishing this news. I tried to type up a letter of complaint last night and for no reason at all, just as I was trying to save it, my laptop crashed on me. Then today, as I was writing an e-mail to my friend to explain the situation, the e-mail client decided to crash and delete my message. This can't be coincidence. Any minute now a brick will come flying through the window and hit me on the head, thus rendering me unconscious and causing amnesia. Little bastards.

Posted byHocchan at 5:48 pm  


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