
Bit more of a sedate episode this week compared to the last one. At the start there was a performance of 'Anataboshi' by Milky Way. I like the song but it was a bit of a shame that they had to lip-sync it. I'd rather they sing badly than use lip-syncing, but I don't make these decisions so there's no point in complaining I guess. Just got to be grateful that they don't lip-sync everything. Moving on, the outfits for this week are in the style of ouendan. I've always liked the look of these school uniforms. They're maybe a little too militaristic looking but they are really smart. The white hachimaki they've added look really cool. Not sure why they've used that white sash around the shoulders. You usually see them on a kimono to tie up the sleeves. Doesn't really work on a school uniform but it looks cool in any case.

The GakiKame production wasn't quite as good as I expected. It looked good from the preview but once they showed the full one it was a bit of a disappointment. The first bit where Niigaki Risa threw those two pieces of rubbish into the bins was good. The pieces actually crossed in mid-air so that they would land in the correct bin. One for combustible rubbish and the other for non-combustible. Kamei Eri throwing those cans into the basket of her bike was good but nothing we hadn't already seen. I couldn't really get any decent screenshots either. I'm sorry to say this production failed to exceed their previous efforts.

Possibly the only thing of real interest to me was the Mitsui Aika makizushi section. In it Aika started to make a roll of makizushi and it was the job of the other members to guess what it would look like when finished. Tanaka Reina and Michishige Sayumi wanted to know if it was an animal of some sort but the narrator wouldn't tell them so Reina turned all yankii on him. There were some good guesses from everyone except Sayumi. For some reason she thought it would turn out to be the pictures that you get on toilet doors. I can sort of see her reasoning but I seriously doubt that's something you'd want to put on your sushi!

The correct answer turned out to be a snail. Quite amazingly Reina managed to get the correct answer (she must be some sort of psychic genius). Everyone was amazed that she got it right, including Reina herself. She seemed quite scared of her incredible powers at the end. Having seen this clip, it has made me want to try making my own makizushi. It must be quite fun to come up with new ideas of what to make. It does take quite a lot of spatial awareness to be able to imagine how it would look when rolled up. I don't think I'd be very good at that. I do follow instruction very well though so I can just copy other people's ideas!

There was an interesting bit where they featured a website similar to the last one they showed. This one would generate a self introduction for you when you input your name. For Reina it came up with something about her getting a wedgie just by walking. The thought of Reina with a wedgie just makes my mind boggle (x.x;). She did confess that during the previous concert she got a wedgie. The girls even had a nickname for it - 'PK' short for 'pantsu kuikomu'. The whole thing was quite surreal...

They closed the show with a memory test for Kusumi Koharu. It seemed very easy compared to the other challenges and it showed when Koharu breezed through the whole thing with confidence. Everyone but Reina and Sayumi awarded her a star for her effort. They said that the test was meant to show someone trying their best and that Koharu's confidence was irritating /laugh. Personally, this was one of the few times that Koharu's hyperactivity became fun to watch.

...I can't believe I just said that!

Posted byHocchan at 5:30 pm  


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