
After thinking about my finances a little bit more carefully, I've come to the conclusion that it won't quite be as bad as I initially thought. All I have to do is make sure that I save at least £1,000 from my loan payment that's due at the end of April. Of course, this would mean that I won't have very much to spend during the summer, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem since I'll be staying at home during those few months. If I do that, then I can use the extra money to ease the financial burden during the next academic year. I might also consider getting a small part-time job during the summer for some extra money too. Now that that's all sorted in my head I can stop worrying about it so much and concentrate on applying for a room at Trinity. I'm still missing a document from home so I'll go back and pick it up this weekend. If everything goes well I should be able to hand in my application next Monday.

Recently, the Japanese lessons have begun to start getting quite tough. We're finally covering material that I'm not all that familiar with and it's becoming a challenge. This is a good thing of course. I didn't come to university just to revise everything I already knew. I'm looking forward to having to get my head down and actually do some hard work. Of course, I still have the second half of my portfolio to complete and that's pretty tough already. I've still not really thought about what I'm going to do for it. One possibility is that I include a collection of lessons from the Basic Kanji Book as a Kanji task. Another thing that I've been toying with is the idea of making a short role-playing video. I would have to enlist the help of a few friends to pull it off but it should be doable. There's still plenty of time until the deadline so I shouldn't be too unduly worried about it yet.

Posted byHocchan at 4:42 am  


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