Boyonka Boyoyonka

After a friend showed me the special offers on a mountain bike shop's website I've been tempted to buy a new bike. There's a 2008 GT Avalanche 3.0 Disc available for only £269.99 and it looks to be a very good deal. Although the specification of the bike is fairly low (compared to my 2000 GT Arrowhead which I spent a lot of money upgrading), the frame decals are very nice. It wouldn't be such a bad idea to buy the bike and ride it 'as is' until I get an opportunity to upgrade the parts. The only problem I can foresee is where I would store the bike. I really don't have enough room at home to house two bikes and I won't be moving into my new flat until September. That leaves me with about three months where I won't have anywhere to put it. If I can sort that little problem out then I'll probably end up buying it in May.

March really is the time where everything seems to end in Japan. All the drama series are pretty much finished and all the anime series are coming to an end. This includes the two series that I was watching - Toradora! and The Tower of Druaga: Sword of Uruk. The ending to Toradora! was slightly unexpected but it did finish off the story quite nicely. The show overall has been thoroughly enjoyable with a good story and some likeable characters. The only flaw I can pick out is that the artwork seems a bit inconsistent in places. As for The Tower of Druaga: Sword of Uruk, the second series wasn't quite as good as the first. The story felt a little rushed and disjointed towards the end. It's still worth watching though, even if only for the opening and closing theme songs.

It's getting to the end of the term at university now and the work is starting to pile up a bit. If I'm too complacent then there's the possibility that I won't pass the first year. That's only if I completely screw up and don't hand in pieces of work though. I just need to make sure that I don't procrastinate too long and get the essays finished. Of course, I still need to make sure that they're well-written and not rushed. I should also make a start on my portfolio work soon too. I really don't want to have to work through the night to get that done like last time...

Posted byHocchan at 11:02 pm  


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