
A strange thing happened to me this weekend - I lost my voice. Not completely, but I had to put a lot of effort into making myself heard and understood by the people I was talking to. I don't think I've ever lost my voice like that before. It was quite an odd experience - kind of like having your larynx anaesthetised. It's recovered now, somewhat, so I can speak properly once again, albeit between the coughing and croaking. I'm grateful that whatever I've managed to catch hasn't turned out to be something more debilitating.

I've been having a bit of a drama-watching spree recently. I finished watching Ryuusei no Kizuna last week. I really enjoyed that series. It was funny, it was sad, and it had some very good characters. I'm still watching Mei-chan no Shitsuji but there's only one more episode to go now. I've got it downloaded to my hard drive so I'm just waiting for the subtitles to get released. In the meantime, I've started watching Voice. It's about a group of students in the forensic medicine department of a university. They come across various cases in which they try and find the 'voice' of the deceased person, in order to bring to peace to the families left behind. It's an enjoyable series to watch but it does seem to get a bit formulaic after awhile. If you can overlook that little downside then it's well worth watching.

There was a written assessment in Japanese Language on Monday. We were given a list of our imaginary family members - each with several traits and facts about them - and we had to write about them using our knowledge of grammatical constructs. It was quite a long list and we were only given one hour so I only just about managed to finish on time. Overall, it wasn't too difficult. There were really only two or three different conjugations that we had to use. Perhaps I could have made it a bit more complex but I would have run out of time if I spent too long thinking about it. It's only worth 10% of the module mark in any case - nothing too serious.

Finally, since Taurinensis wrote about this in his recent blog post, I'm going to finish this entry off by talking about Resident Evil 5. Admittedly, I've only played a little bit of it so far but I do intend to buy it at some point in the next couple of weeks. From what I've seen, it's not a rapid departure from Resident Evil 4. The graphics look similar, its control system (although slightly modified) is pretty much the same, and it's still very action-based. In some ways, it leaves me kind of disappointed. Perhaps I'm being too optimistic here, but I had hoped that they would return to a more classical style of Resident Evil. That is a game less action-based and more puzzle-based, with the same camera style as 0, 1, 2 and 3. That's what I believe the 'real' Resident Evil is. Not that the new style is bad, far from it. I enjoyed playing 4 as much as the next person. But it just wasn't Resident Evil. It's more like a closely related spin-off in my eyes. I read that 6 was going to be another massive change in style so maybe there's hope for us traditionalists yet. Maybe...not...?

Posted byHocchan at 5:08 am  


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