Chiisana Hane Hirogete

We had an amazing Dynamis-Bastok run last Wednesday. The previous runs in Bastok were always above average but this one surpassed anything I'd seen before. It all started normally enough for the first 15-20 mins, but once the first piece of relic dropped it was like a floodgate had opened. They just kept dropping every few minutes after that. We ended up with a total of 15 pieces by the time we finished. I bagged myself some Wyrm Brais for my Dragoon so I was happy. I don't think we'll have another run quite like that anytime soon.

Last Tuesday I did something very odd. I bought a book. This may not seem very odd to most people but I'm not really into reading. When I saw this book I suddenly wanted to buy it. Maybe it was the price, or maybe it was the front cover but I knew I had to get it. It was Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. I knew nothing of the story and only recognised it because of the film that had been released not long ago. From the first page, however, I couldn't put the book down. I found myself picking it up from my shelf on every free moment I had. The story is just too compelling. The way Sayuri tells her story is engrossing and makes you feel like you're actually there, spectating on the events. The way she describes her thoughts and feelings, it's almost like you're inside her mind. Truly a great book and I can see why they decided to make it into a film. I'll definitely be seeking out the film once it comes out on DVD.

Posted byHocchan at 2:50 pm  


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