Suki Dakara

It's been a long time since I wrote anything about the anime that I'm watching so I'll update with this post. I'm currently watching four series in conjunction, with another four on the way! o.O;

The first one is 'Jigoku Shoujo' which I've written about before. I've been watching the odd episode of this from time to time but haven't got too far with it. It was good when it started but I think each episode is starting to get a bit too similar. I don't intend to quit watching this series but I think I'll put it on hold for a little while. I hope that the later episodes mix it up a little so it doesn't get boring to watch.

Next up was 'Shuffle!'. This one has also taken a bit of a back seat recently. The artwork in this anime isn't the best I've seen but it's good enough. The storyline isn't perfectly to my liking but I do like the humour. One thing this series does have in it's favour is that it has superb opening and ending songs. Very catchy and addictive. I haven't decided if I'll continue with 'Shuffle!' yet.

Third in line is the superb, 'Yakitate!! Japan' from which my baking obsession stems. This has become one of my all time favourite series due to it's excellent characters, it's great storyline, and it's lovely atmosphere throughout each episode. Add to that the nice animation, the decent opening/ending songs, and the way it actually teaches you the science of each episode and you have a recipe (get it, get it?!) for a great anime. I'm currently up to episode 57 and eagerly awaiting the next installments. I will, however, be deeply saddened when the series eventually draws to a close. It's one of those great anime that truly touches your heart, albeit for a short time. I love it.

Lastly is 'Kashimashi'. I'm still unsure about this anime. On the one hand, it's great to listen to Horie Yui's voice, but on the other it's not quite developing the way I'd hoped. I'm starting to enjoy it again so hopefully it'll improve with the coming episodes.

That's the summary of current anime. On the horizon are: 'Ouran High School Host Club', 'Girl's High', 'Aa! Megami-Sama: 2nd Season', and 'Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu'. They look good, but I'm going to be so busy trying to keep track of so many plotlines! /laugh

Posted byHocchan at 12:49 am  


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