
I'm a bit surprised myself, but I've suddenly got addicted to the egg collecting event on FFXI. I didn't do the one last year as I wasn't too interested. This year, however, I've had the urge to hoard a massive amount of eggs. I've managed to get all the available prizes (not counting the ones you get for the Initial 3) in one day. They are as follows:

Initial 3 (HOC) = Chocobo Tickets x4;
7 of a Kind (PPPPPPP) = Fortune Egg;
Straight 8 (HIJKLMNO) = Happy Egg;
Day of the week super combo (FIRE) = Orphic Egg;
San d'Oria controlled region (RONFA) = Wing Egg;
Bastok controlled region (GUSTA) = Lamp Egg;
Windurst controlled region (NORVA) = Flower Egg;
Beastmen controlled region (MOVAL) = Temporary beastmen costume.

The 3 furniture eggs are sitting nicely in my mog house, and the other ammo eggs are in storage since they're not too much use to me. Only problem is... I have a billion eggs left over now... I guess I could go for the Beastmen controlled region prize of a beastmen costume.

Edit 09.04.2006 - Went and got the beastmen controlled region prize, it wasn't that good. Only a temporary costume. Not really worth the eggs but it was funny for a few moments.

Posted byHocchan at 5:49 pm  


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