Nee Ano Jikan Wa Nan Datta No?

Gah! I'm running out of time to complete my task. I've not got long to write up this last review before midnight arrives. I'm exhausted already. If I was a car I'd be running on fumes right about now. But I must not give up. I must fight on! Without further ado, let's-a-go!

This is last week's episode from the 9th March. The girls are all wearing one piece floral dresses in celebration of spring. Michishige even has flowers on her hair band. The narrator mentions that Sayumi has been learning to walk like a model recently. She doesn't seem to know much about it but says she can do it anyway. What follows is the most over-the-top catwalk style from the 80s. As hilarious to watch as it is sexy. The look she gives to the camera at the start of it could stop a charging rhino. It was hypnotising to say the least.

The quality has improved slightly in this episode. It's significantly more interesting than last time, though that's no real surprise. We see a return of the guy who makes wacky musical instruments from straws. He makes them into shapes that relate to the tune that he's playing. Last time he did the theme tune to Godzilla and Doraemon. This time he made an elephant, the moon and some dango (dumplings). It's pretty impressive what he can do. The video made Tanaka Reina want to try making one herself. When asked what she'd make she replied, "Eh? No plan" /laugh. Reina seems to be making a lot of funny remarks lately and it's been great to watch. She definitely has one of the nicest smiles in the group.

This week also saw the return of the awesome GakiKame Theatre. They were both in it this time which was nice. It was one of those videos played backwards but filmed so it looked like it was being played normally. This time they were supposed to be practising Kenjutsu. Eri wanted to show Niigaki Risa that she could see everything with her mind's eye. She put on a blindfold and Risa attempted to strike her with a katana without her knowing. The first time was an overhead strike which she caught with the palms of her hand. The second time was a strike to the side which she caught with her index and middle fingers on one hand. On the third attempt she was lying on the ground when Risa did a downward strike from the side. Eri caught this one with a pair of chopsticks. The whole skit was pure genius. Risa wielding a katana was fantastic. It's probably my favourite one of the series.

After a video from Takahashi Ai's Takako skit, Sayumi did her impression of Yoshi from the Super Mario games. I think her impression is superb. Not very accurate but really funny. Speaking of Mario, the following video was from a guy also called Mario. His skill was head banging and he wanted them to guess how many times he could move his head in thirty seconds. They measured it using a digital pedometer strapped to his forehead. They filmed him doing air guitar and head banging to a rock song. At the end of it he took off the pedometer and showed it to the camera. The result was zero /laugh! All that effort and it didn't register any movement. The last shot of the video showing the guy sitting forlornly in the spotlight was brilliant.

The last bit of the episode was taken up with Jun Jun's challenge. In a similar memory test to the one Mitsui Aika did a couple of weeks ago, she had to remember the names of twenty traditional things from Japan. Although the total amount of things was less than Aika she didn't have any trouble remembering them all. They gave her five stars for the completing the challenge but she requested a banana instead /laugh.

Alright! All caught up with updates with forty-seven minutes to spare. Now please excuse me while I go buy myself some new eyeballs...

Posted byHocchan at 11:13 pm  


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