Silky Heart

I've been spending far too much money these last two weeks. First came the television, then came the games, Xbox 360 controller, a couple of pairs of jean and a new coat. That's on top of all the expensive take-away dinners I've been having too. I've really got to reel in my spending for the rest of the term. Starting from next week I'm going to go back to cooking my own dinner again. I do still need a couple more items of clothing but those can wait until February I think. It's only a new pair of boots and some new shirts. After that, I don't have anything planned money-wise.

The new semester is pretty much in full swing now and the deadlines are already coming in thick and fast. Lots of essays and exams coming up after Easter and a couple of presentations before then. I've also received most of my semester one results, with the exception of Asia Pacific Studies and Background to Japan. I'm fairly happy with the marks that I received. My portfolio wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting it to be, but I was slightly disappointed with the mark that I received for the Background to Japan presentation. My partner and I had put a lot of work into that presentation and I expected a higher mark. It's still pretty decent though so I shouldn't really complain.

Posted byHocchan at 6:13 pm  


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