
Tada! A brand-spanking new update for all you people out there. I'm not entirely sure what I'll be writing just yet, but whatever it is, it means that a certain someone (you know who you are) will need to update their blog. Bwahahahahahaha! Wonderful...

Lets see... since the whole World Cup event ended I've been watching a few Japanese dramas. First was 'Densha Otoko', a wonderful story about an otaku (probably best translated as nerd, geek) who falls in love with an attractive, young woman on a train. After he saves her from a drunken old man she sends him a pair of Hermes cups. After that it's a tale of how Densha (his nickname given to him by the users of the bulletin board) tries to make Hermes (nickname for the young woman) fall in love with him. This is no easy task, however, as otakus are looked down upon in Japanese society. The residents of the bulletin board, 2channel, all go about helping Densha woo Hermes. They give him advice on practically everything from fashion, to where to take her on a date, etc. Based on a novel of a true story (apparently) it's a very funny and heartwarming drama about love. I was pleasently surprised to find that Itoh Misaki played the part of Hermes. I very much enjoyed watching this drama series and I can't wait to see the special episode that is due for release very soon.

Next up came 'Lunch no Joou' (Lunch Queen). This drama was quite different to the usual affair as it centred mainly around food. Lots of delicious looking food. From pork cutlets to omurice, it all had your mouth watering as you watched each episode. The plot centred around a heroine named Natsumi who one day, while eating lunch, gets dragged out of her chair by a man (Kenichiro) she doesn't know. Eventually when they stop he explains that his Father is dying and he would like Natsumi to pretend to be his fiance. This is because he hasn't been home in a few years and would like to make his Dad happy before he passed away. At first Natsumi declines but she promptly gives in when the offer of a free lunch is given. When they make it to Kenichiro's house it turns out to be a small, family run restaurant. All is not well, however, as the family seems to have a problem with Kenichiro turning up out of the blue. Apparently he ran away with the store's money a few years ago and hasn't been back since. After much persuasion by Natsumi to let him return they agree, provided that Kenichiro pass a test. The test involved picking out the famous Demiglace sauce that is made by the Father. Needless to say he fails and does a runner once again with the cash. Feeling slightly guilty about what has happened Natsumi decides that she will stay and help in the restaurant until Kenichiro returns. I haven't quite finished this drama yet, there are still 2 episodes to be released. I almost enjoy this series as much as 'Densha Otoko'. It's not so much a love story as a tale of life and how you can change yourself for the better. It's very inspirational to watch.

Finally there was the last few episodes of 'Attention Please'. I felt that after the trainees went onto the OJT the series slowed down a bit. The early episodes had more of a fast, reckless pace about them which I feel the middle section lacked. The ending, however, provided a nice finale and close to the drama and I was pleased with how it turned out. All in all, a very enjoyable series to watch and Ueto Aya did a fantastic job of playing the headstrong, Misaki. Plus it also had the most catchy ending song ever. A cover of 'Pretty Woman' by Kimura Kaela. Not nearly as bad as that sounds it's very funky and deserves a listen, even if you don't like the original.

There we go, update complete. I've laid my cards on the table now. Lets see you match that! /laugh

Posted byHocchan at 7:57 pm  


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