Merry Pin Xmas

This going to be a kind of rant. The reason being that I'm rather unhappy about the last couple of days. Christmas Day and today have been so crappy it's depressing. Last year was great, I had lots of fun with Ardel and Cata on FFXI doing BCNMs. This year, however, I did... absolutely bloody sod all. I'm also suffering from this infernal cold which has made me feel horrible for the last few days. I've had headaches, fevers, coughs, aching muscles and nausea. This hasn't exactly helped my mood. Sometimes I hate holidays, they ruin everything. All normal schedule goes out the window. Plan to do something and it doesn't happen, it gets cancelled to hell. I'm going to be really selfish now. I can't stand it when a commitment isn't kept. Planned to do Assault. No problem, we can do that. Didn't happen. Planned to go subligar hunting. Sure, why not. Never mind, do it tomorrow. When I'm busy! For God's sake. If you can't do it don't tell me you can. Sitting there for hours, waiting patiently for something to happen and then having nothing materialise really irritates me. God damn, I'm so annoyed!

Will probably regret this post in the morning after I've had time to reflect. But I'm not going to delete it. I think I do have some right to complain, no matter how small. Christmas? Bah, humbug!

Posted byHocchan at 2:35 am  


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