Suggoi Nakama
30 December 2006
I'm a bit happier in this update than I was on the last one. We actually managed to do some assaults last night even though we only had 5 people. As usual we chose the Lebros Cavern mission. On the first attempt we completed it with about 1 minute to spare due to the shortage of manpower. Had to kill a Qiqirn for the mine in the last 5 minutes and luckily it dropped on the first kill. The second attempt didn't go quite as well... We got to the last wall with about the same amount of time left as before so decided to kill the Qiqirns again. Unfortunately it didn't drop, not even after we killed another 3 of them. Time ran out and we failed the mission. For the last attempt we changed our tactic to killing the Qiqirns from the off instead of beating up the walls. This method works very well and we cleared the mission with plenty of time to spare. Overall I think I got about 2,100 points for the night which I'm happy with. I just hope we get to do it again soon and that people continue to be motivated to keep to a regular schedule.
I just read that my friend is returning to FFXI after a long absence. This is very good news as I've missed her company on the game since she left. I haven't spoken to her yet but I hope to do so later on tonight. This is yet another member of the linkshell to return to the game in the last month or so. Lots of familiar faces have come back and we're having a good time catching up. It reminds me a lot of the glory days of Guardians of Vana'diel. I just hope everyone sticks around for awhile.
Got the Morning Musume album "No.5" in the post yesterday. I'll post more about it when I get some pictures taken.Posted byHocchan at 8:02 pm