Hage Ga...Moriagattemasu

I've been wanting to write a new entry for days now but couldn't find anything worth writing about. Nothing of importance has really happened. This post will be highly random and probably be a boring read but at least I'll have done it. OK, let's see...my 40GB hard disk on my laptop is in the last throes of its life. It takes ages to do simple tasks and makes an almighty clicking sound while it's doing it. Any data that's saved to it instantly becomes fragmented. It's a good job I bought that 250GB external drive or I'd be in a bit of trouble. Hopefully, the 40GB one won't die any time soon. Not before I get enough money for a new computer any way.

I've had a lot of fun watching through all the old 'Hello! Morning' episodes that have been uploaded to Veoh. Just a shame that the files are only available as Flash Videos. I spent ages trying to find a good .flv to .avi converter on the internet but all of them turned out to be crap. I've had to settle for a .flv plug-in for Windows Media Player. The only good thing about the Flash Video format is its small size. The quality of the video is affected though and they don't look anywhere near as good as .avi files. At the end of the day (I hate that phrase) as long as I can watch them then I'm happy I guess. There are some really funny episodes that I'd never seen before. The only thing that spoils it is seeing Fujimoto Miki complaining about every damn thing in almost every appearance. It really would have been a lot better if she'd not been allowed into the group. Stupid Fujimoto...

I'm not missing Final Fantasy XI too much at the moment. If I went back I'd probably find myself quite bored again to be honest. I'm going to wait until the Dancer AF is released before I return. I wonder how much will change whilst I'm gone. Perhaps some of the people I know will have disappeared from the game by then. Perhaps it's just me but I find it hard to make new friends after all this time. I'm pretty selective in the first place as to who I can trust. It's been a couple of years since I've met anyone that I could call a proper friend rather than just an acquaintance. No sense in worrying about it now. Things will work themselves out in time.

Well, that wasn't bad. Pretty much wrote about the first things to pop into my head at the time. Probably turned out better than some of my planned posts. There'd better be something worth writing about next time though. I'm running out of ideas!

Posted byHocchan at 12:07 am  


Anonymous said... 5:00 pm GMT  

Bah! Its not that hard to write about laot of things. All yas got to do is start with one idea, that'l blossom to another and then branch off into a world of ideas. Think of it as almost writing poetry; well thats how I do it anyways. I have QUITE a few works of art, but I only put the really good ones into a book of mine. Im quite strict on how I judge my works.

Your not missing much. Kinda been dull in Vana'Deil. Money is no longer a problem after hitting 74 THF. Raiding everywhere and the like. Bought my own Scorpion Harness finally and have been using my NPC to beat the hell and farm damn near anything. Been rather exciting as of late.

Also, two of my real life friends and I have made a new LS. We have a home LS as well as a Dynamis/Sky/Endgame LS. We have ~30+/40 members at the moment and are doing ZM runs to get them all sky. Its working out well, and maybe when you come back, you'll have a go at it! Your more then welcome to.

Well I guess thats all for now... bit too long of a comment now xD. Hope to hear from ya soon! Hope all is well ya.

Hocchan said... 6:37 pm GMT  

That's the problem; I'm rubbish at writing poetry. I can't even understand what most people are talking about in them. I'm bad at making up new ideas. Brainstorming sessions are not one of my favourite activities.

I made a bit of a promise to never get involved in endgame stuff ever again after my last experience. I'll have to see.

Thanks for the comments. It's always nice to get feedback.

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