Shinnen Akemashite Omedetou

This is actually my first post written on 1st January. I could have sworn I'd done a New Year's post previously but there's nothing for 2006 or 2007. Well, it's not the case for 2008. This year is going to rock so hard they'll name a geological period after it. I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes (Oh dear, I've used some cheesy lyrics in my post, please forgive me). With hindsight 2007 wasn't quite the disaster I keep believing it was. There were some good things that happened. Just a shame that they were completely eclipsed by several utterly shitty events. They were spread out over the year so I never really got a reprieve from the gloom. I'll never forget the amazing five-pier walk my friend and I did in the summer. It was gruelling and tough but it was quite an achievement. There's also the freezing cold illuminations walk, and of course, the spooky visit to Sunderland point where we were almost washed out to sea by the tide.

2007 was also the year where I got back into Japanese dramas in a big way. It all started with 'Hanazakari No Kimitachi E' at the end of summer and it hasn't stopped since. From that drama I discovered Horikita Maki and have become engrossed in her works ever since (you may have guessed that from all the photos of her I've used in my posts lately /laugh). From 'Kurosagi' to 'Nobuta Wo Produce' there's not a role where she cannot excel. She's also done some interesting documentary type films where she travelled to many different places. I'm looking forward to seeing her in many more dramas this coming year.

Hello! Project and Morning Musume didn't have a very good year in 2007. First of all, Yoshizawa Hitomi lost her brother in a tragic accident just weeks prior to her graduation, then just as Kago Ai was set to return to the group she was suspended and ultimately dismissed for another scandal. Another scandal followed shortly after and Fujimoto Miki stepped down having only served a few weeks as leader. Wasn't all bad though. Former members Iida Kaori and Tsuji Nozomi both got married and pregnant. With the 8th generation auditions came three new members: Mitsui Aika, LinLin and JunJun, the latter two being the Chinese girls. Hello Morning finished broadcasting after seven years of weekly episodes and was replaced by Haromoni@. Only time will tell what 2008 will bring to Hello! Project but I'm hopeful for a renewal to their fortunes.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. But it's in the past now. The only way is up, as they say, and the sky's the limit (which they also say). I can't wait for September when I'll finally begin my journey to achieving my dream of fluency in Japanese. I'm going to give it my all. I was going to make a list of resolutions to aim for but I can't really think of any. There's only really one that matters so I'll leave it at that:

1.) Be the best that I can be.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Hope you have a good one! Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

Edit - 2008 is also the Year of the Rat (from 7th February anyway) which is what I am. If that isn't a good omen I don't know what is!

Posted byHocchan at 12:00 am  


Eric Montgomery said... 2:41 am GMT  

Prospero ano y felizidad! Since I forgot how to say it in Japanese, even though your title probably says it. *shrugs*

Good luck and may you ovenate that japanese no like no other student has before!

Hocchan said... 3:34 am GMT  

Happy New Year? That's the title, yes. Akemashite omedetou to you too.

PS. Ovenate? What does that mean...?

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