Seishun! Love Lunch

As requested by the admissions department, I sent my GCSE/GCE A-Level certificates into the university on Tuesday. It arrived on Wednesday and I had a missed delivery this morning so I assume they must have sent them back on Thursday. I'll know for certain once I go pick them up from the post office tomorrow. I haven't heard anything from them yet regarding the matter but if they've returned them so quickly I guess it must be good news. If everything goes to plan I'll definitely have my place on the course in September. I'm hoping there won't be too much waiting. Would be a pain in the arse to have applied so early last year only to be delayed now. Speaking of delays, I checked the student finance website and it says they won't be taking applications for the 2008/09 year until April. That's a bit of a pain. I was hoping to have it sorted out by then. Makes sense though, I guess. The fiscal year starts and ends at that time so that must be why they don't take applications until then. I guess I'm still a little anxious about the whole university thing. I want to get arrangements in place as soon as possible so that it'll set my mind at rest.

The reason I missed the post this morning was because I had a job interview. I had to get my hair cut beforehand too as it was getting far too long. For some annoying reason the back grows twice as fast as the front. I was going to put it off for a bit longer until the weather got a bit warmer but I got sick of washing it so often. I got a basic short back and sides which requires far less maintenance. Any way, once that was done I went and had my interview. Well, I say interview but it wasn't really much more than a quick chat. Unfortunately, I found out that the hours didn't really suit me. It was a part time position for 25 hours a week with the intention of becoming full time at Easter. The bad news is that the shifts are 10-11 hours long. I don't think I'm that desperate for money yet. I don't want to go in at midday and end up working until midnight. That would be far too tiring. I'll have to look for a different job.

Posted byHocchan at 2:32 am  


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