Namida No Hoshi

Urgh...I feel eyes are exhausted. I got a present today from Hong Kong. It's one of those Gundam model kits that are extremely popular over there. I used to love those things when I was younger but was never that good at making them. Not enough patience to build it properly I think. Now I'm older and wiser I thought it'd be a good time to have another go at making one. I noticed that they've advanced a bit in the last 10 years. There are more moving parts than there used to be. This enables you to put them in more realistic poses. The only problem is that it also makes them more complicated to make. I did things properly, making sure to carefully remove each piece and file the edges down. I took 5 hours in all. Spending that amount of time staring intently at some tiny plastic pieces probably tired my eyes out, hence why I feel a little dizzy right now. Might have been a good idea to take a break every now and again. No matter, staring at this computer screen for a few hours will sort it! At least the model looks pretty cool. I'm having trouble figuring out a cool pose for it though. All the moving joints makes it a bit fiddly to get right. I'll probably take another 5 hours to get that sorted.../sigh

I've been spending the last couple of days watching lots of Hello! Project related stuff. First was Goto Maki's final concert G-Emotion II. I'd never really got into Maki's music before. There were a few songs that I liked but mostly they didn't appeal to me. I felt I had to give them one last try since she's no longer in H!P. The first 45 minutes were OK but I didn't get involved in it like a Morning Musume concert. However, the last hour and 15 minutes was pure entertainment. Not sure if it was the choice of songs or Maki's brilliant MCing, but it really rocked. The ending was very emotional. This concert was ages before the announcement of her departure but you could tell she'd already made up her mind. The final song was something I'll never forget. I hope she returns to the music business soon, it would be a shame to lose such a great talent. Gocchin saikou!

I also discovered a treasure trove of old Hello! Morning episodes on Stage6. Lots of great episodes I'd never seen before. It was such a great programme. I hope Haromoni@ can become as entertaining in time. They really do have to get the old members back on the show. That and the return of the Gekijou theatre. Those little skits were probably the funniest thing about the old show. Never mind, I've found another place that has almost all the episodes (5 years worth) so I'm going to be occupied for a long time to come. Hurray!

Posted byHocchan at 12:51 am  


Anonymous said... 6:43 pm GMT  

Man, I used to build model cars and Rockets all the time. We fit bigger engines in the rockets then we were supposed to so every time the parachutes opened up, they were charred xD. We ended up fitting them with metallic streamers which only melted them JUUUUUST a bit, not enough to make a difference. They worked surprisingly well. We also fit together a 3 stage rocket with some of the biggest engines we could find. Needless to say, we didn't put a recovery system on that one. When we launched it, we knew it was long gone. Quite a Sight I must say.

Missing you in Vana'Deil. I've been getting to know the new ones and now their looking up to me sometimes. Hope to see ya soon. Missing ya from Vana'Deil :)

P.S. I've SUCCESSFULLY made an Endgame LS! A few RL friends and I have started one and its up to 25/40 for Sky/Dynamis and the like! We're going to schedule regular Orb burns and the like as well :D. Thought I should let ya know about that too.

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