GakiKame No Geijutsu Gekijou

I'm in a bit of a pickle. Actually, it's more like a bathtub full of Branston Pickle. You see, Horie Yui's new album is being released on 30th January and I've not got enough money to buy it. I fear that by the time I do have enough cash to get it the limited edition version won't be available any more. While that may not sound like too big a deal to the average person, it's a disaster to an obsessive collector like me. I'm the type of person who gets attracted by the nice extras and packaging of limited editions. Just having that little 32-page booklet makes it worth the higher cost. Granted, I'll probably only ever look through it once or twice a year but just owning it makes me happy. It's probably part of my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (self-diagnosed but it seems pretty certain). Anything I buy from Japan needs to be kept in absolute mint condition. That means never touching it without washing my hands (I should really buy some white gloves), and keeping it sealed in a plastic wallet to prevent the air getting to it. Things that I buy in the UK aren't treated in such a clinical manner but I do like to look after them nonetheless. In an ideal world I'd buy two of everything - one to use when I like and one to keep unopened forever. But until I win the lottery, the current method will have to suffice. Actually, in an ideal world I'd outlaw dust and everything it stands for. I hate dust so much! But I digress...

Lack of money doesn't make it easy to support Hello! Project either. Not only do you have all the CDs and DVDs to buy, you have a plethora of other merchandise to tempt you at every turn. Billions of photos, thousands of T-Shirts, and hundreds of other little things to spend your cash on. Just a shame that I haven't been able to buy as many things as I'd like. I've bought a few albums and a photo book but that's about it. I wonder if that makes me a lesser fan than those who own hundreds of other things alongside the usual CDs/DVDs? There are various people who haven't bought a single item (instead they download everything) but call themselves fans. Is it enough to simply enjoy something without contributing any money to the artists who provide your entertainment? Personally I would say, no, but that might make me a hypocrite. I'm guilty of having downloaded various things like scans of photos and photo books. Moral ideals tend to get brushed aside when money is short and it's available for free. Of course, if I had the funds I wouldn't even have to consider downloading. After all, owning the actual item is a million times more pleasing than having it on your hard disk. Eventually, I hope to be able to buy all the things I've downloaded and finally become 'legit'. I just need to stop slacking and put more effort into generating mountains of cash. Don't worry, Hello! Project, I'll be sending a big, fat cheque in the post soon, I promise!

Posted byHocchan at 6:47 pm  


Eric Montgomery said... 6:30 am GMT  

I Approve! Wait... what did you blog about? Aw crap...

Hocchan said... 6:08 pm GMT  

Imi wakannai...

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