"Emo" Post? No Surprise There!

I didn't realise being around me was so troublesome for people. I never go out of my way to make life hard for people but it just seems it just ends up like that. What is it about me that makes it so much work? Perhaps I've got some mental illness that I'm not aware of? One thing's for sure, I've found it very hard to get people to understand me. There aren't many people in this world who do. Ironically, the person that probably understood me most isn't around any more. Had I known my presence would cause so much distress to people I would have kept myself to myself more. Maybe I should just go back to being a social recluse?

Posted byHocchan at 6:07 am  


Eric Montgomery said... 7:15 am BST  

I dunno, you weren't difficult to have around for me, kind cool talking to someone in Japanese... well for me "talking" since I wasn't very good at it. But I don't think I got you either... you're a strange one, but it's cool, I get to see some pretty nice pics because of it. LOLOLOLOL

Mrs, Samaripa 10/10/08 said... 9:54 pm BST  

Why does anyone have to understand you? Being an enigma makes it more fun. Also, why do you expect the worst from people? Most people are very happy to be your friend and love you immensely...I'm sure you go through days being annoyed at your friends and it would be just as fair to say that some times friends get annoyed with you...it's a part of being close. If I had you all figured out, I'd be bored :). It's more fun to learn about you through the years!

Hocchan said... 2:45 am BST  

I want people to understand that I'm not like everyone else. There are a lot of times when I want to hide myself away from the world, it's just my way of coping. But it seems people don't like me when I do that.

I don't even know how it turned into a criticism of my personality anyway. All I wanted was a fairer way to do the ZNM event. Then all of a sudden I get told off for being me.

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