Kurisumasu Nante Daikirai!! Nanchatte

Hmm... perhaps I was lying when I said that I didn't enjoy winter anymore. I'm getting into the festive spirit a little more now it's closer to the big day. I still have other things on my mind which detracts a little from the enjoyment factor but hopefully they won't spoil it too much. In order to enhance the experience this year, I'm borrowing a friend's idea of creating a Christmas play list, only with a twist. It's going to be composed of entirely Japanese tracks rather than the traditional English pop affair. I've been having fun hunting down songs to put on this custom album. I'm not sure how many songs I'm going to limit it to but so far I have six definite tracks. It's a bit of a race against time at the moment but I think it'll become a lot easier after this torrent has finished downloading. It's not that there aren't plenty of Japanese songs released at this time of the year, it's that half of them don't really 'feel' like winter songs. I like to hear lots of bells and twinkly sound effects in my Christmas song, cheesy as they are. I don't want some damn Mariah Carey or R'n'B crap ruining everything. So I've kept it quite traditional in regards to the overall feel. One thing's for sure, if this play list doesn't put me in the mood for Christmas then nothing will!

One thing I saw recently was a programme done by Horikita Maki for Japanese TV. In it she did a 200KM bicycle tour of Europe going through Switzerland, Germany and France. It looked a lot of fun and she met some really cool people along the way. There were some brilliant sights and nice places that she visited along the way. It kind of reminded me of 'Long Way Round' but a much shorter version, bit like 'Mini Way Round'. The programme got me thinking. I wouldn't mind doing something similar sometime next year when it gets a bit warmer. I'm not sure how I'd cope with the language barrier (I've forgotten all the two years of French that I've learned) but I wouldn't think it'd be too big a problem. It's something I'll think about in the coming months.

Posted byHocchan at 1:15 pm  


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