This Will Be An Angry Post: Part II

This has been driving me insane for the whole of Saturday night and most of Sunday. I was absolutely livid at the time, now I'm not quite so angry but I'm still fairly pissed off about it. The whole thing started on Saturday when there was a KSNM run organised by a friend of the linkshell. This had been announced days prior and I'd specifically asked if there were any restrictions on orbs you could bring. I know some groups only do certain ones. The answer I got was, no there wouldn't be any restrictions, you can bring whatever orb you like. Great, I thought, I'll go get a Clotho orb. I've tried Lachesis in the past and it always gets me rubbish drop items. Clotho tends to have a more consistent treasure drop rate. I traded my 30 Kindred Seals to the NPC and got my Clotho orb. I was ready for the KSNM. Then at 1 hour before the run, it's suddenly decided that the Clotho orb KSNM would be too risky. I couldn't use this job or that job. No, in fact, here's a better idea; we'll not do that run at all! I mentioned I'd already gotten a Clotho orb but nothing, no reaction. Nooooooooo. It's too dangerous with four Black Mages... Despite the fact that I've done this KSNM with other groups of four Black Mages and even gone as Samurai. There have never ever been any problems. It shouldn't be any problem for a group of competent players. But no, I wasn't allowed. So I'd wasted my 30 seals on an orb I couldn't use or exchange. Great. Fantastic.

But here's the best bit. I logged off for awhile, not wanting to sit around hearing what great drops everyone was getting on their other orbs while I sat there like a prat. When I came back, my friend mentioned he'd got some great items from the KSNM. I asked what orb he used. Guess what? CLOTHO! The same pissing orb that I'd been told I wasn't going to be able to use. What the fuck is that all about? They were intentionally trying to exclude me from the group? What the hell is the problem? I'm not important enough for them? I'm not allowed to make any money for myself? WHAT?! I feel betrayed. Most of all I feel really, really goddamn ANGRY!!

Posted byHocchan at 7:03 am  


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