Mugon Iroppoi

I used to really love Winter. There were many great memories of previous Winters where I enjoyed myself a lot. I loved the way it got dark really early and how the lights would all be lit up as people did their shopping in the town centre. I loved the fact that both Shenmue games were released on my birthday and I spent so much of December playing it. I loved all the festive films that were shown on television. But those things are so far away now. Recently, all that Winter reminds me of is misery and despair. It all feels very different from years ago. Now I long for Spring to arrive as quickly as possible, and then for Summer to swiftly follow. The joyous sunshine, the warmth of a Summer day. It's fair to say that I've now switched my season of preference. I also wish September would roll round quicker. I'm eager to start university and get my life out of this pit of misery. All I can do for now is to endure it and hope for the best. I guess it's up to me to make the best of things in the current situation. I just don't know if I've got the ability or willpower to do so. I'll try my best...

I've started watching 'Nodame Cantabile' again recently whilst I wait for new episodes of 'Galileo' and 'Mop Girl'. I should never have dropped this series. It gets really good after only a few episodes. The plot is really funny and the cast works really well together. It's filled with lots of classical music which I've always admired but never really delved into. Just from watching this my knowledge and appreciation of classical music has increased tenfold. There's something about an orchestral piece that touches your soul. It's going to be a great series to watch.

Posted byHocchan at 7:27 pm  


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