This Will Be An Angry Post: The Revenge

I guess the title is a little misleading. I'm not so much angry (actually I am, it's just bubbling below the surface) but rather despondent. It's all about that KSNM incident again on FFXI. It was weeks ago but I still haven't been able to let it go. It's been getting on my nerves every time I log into the game. No one seems to give a damn about how I'm feeling lately. I haven't been able to talk properly to anyone since then. I've been reduced to some rather one-sided conversations with a friend who's listened to my grievances. I feel sorry for him. It can't be much fun talking to someone who's as enthusiastic as a mouldy sponge. I'm beginning to develop a grudge against someone who used to be a friend. This incident has messed that relationship up though. I no longer feel that I can talk freely to them again. I haven't got the guts to confront them about it because it'll probably end up with an argument where I'll be made to feel it's all my own fault. The whole thing makes me wonder if I really made the right choice to leave my end game linkshell. Not sure if I wrote about that on here but I was basically asked to choose between linkshells. I made the choice to stick with Guardians Reborn rather than ditch it in the pursuit of items. Now I'm coming to regret my decision...

Posted byHocchan at 3:27 pm  


Mrs, Samaripa 10/10/08 said... 4:06 am GMT  

Hi Ken!

Sorry you don't feel comfortable in the linkshell anymore but that feeling comes and goes. Better to talk it out with that person and find out what is really bothering you. It may not even be related to that one incident, rather a build up of things. A lot of people aren't quite used to your moods. I know from personal experience as I go through the same I know that despair you feel, but others never seem to understand it. It's allright to feel upset and angry, but remember it's not always the fault of one person (that includes yourself). I hope this situation can be resolved. Nobody in that linkshell is trying to piss you off. Hugs and smiles from across the miles!

Hocchan said... 9:43 pm GMT  

I don't think it's going to get resolved any time soon. I've decided to not speak to them for awhile. I don't want the confrontation.

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