Kuroneko Doumei Ver. 5.05 Alpha!

I've done away with the ancient HTML template and joined the XML revolution! As a result my blog now looks 37.8% cooler than it did before (scientific fact). I wouldn't call it a completely new design (hence the ver. 5.05) but it has been made more streamlined and efficient. The main reason for the change was to improve the archive list. The old one listed every single month as a separate link and wouldn't allow you to view individual posts within it. The new template, however, does let you see individual posts and also has the advantage of being collapsible which saves a lot of room on the sidebar.

There are other changes too. The link list has been simplified and moved to the top, underneath the header. It gives me a handy 'home' button that takes me to the front page straight away. The old template didn't have that feature. The new font is a lot smaller which allows for more text in the same amount of space. Plus I think it looks a lot tidier than the last one. Amazingly, I've written a short paragraph for the profile section; something I didn't do for the last 3 years! There are also a couple of lists for me to mess around with below the blog archive. Nothing massively important but they fill the space in the sidebar quite nicely.

There we have it, the new Kuroneko Doumei is up and running. It was quite a struggle trying to get the code to do what I wanted it to but I managed it in the end. Not bad for someone with zero XML knowledge! There's still a slight issue with the spacing on pictures but it's a minor problem. I'll sort it out later if possible. For now, I'm going to marvel at the sheer magnificence of my creation (OK, someone else's creation, but I perfected it).

Posted byHocchan at 1:06 pm  


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