Yan Nara Yanzo Kora!

I've been quite busy lately playing Yakuza 2, which I bought on Wednesday from HMV for £19.99. I had been looking forward to playing this game for awhile so when I saw it for such a low price, brand new I decided to treat myself. I really enjoyed the first game, despite having to get used to the iffy controls at the beginning. It seems like they've fixed that problem for the sequel as it feels a lot more fluid. The fights are still as satisfying as they were before. It's just so much fun to hit people with random objects found on the street /laugh. The other aspects of the game are pretty much the same, even down to the layout of the first city. This time though, there's a whole new area to explore. Interestingly, the whole game is left with its original Japanese dubbing and is subtitled in English. This situation is exactly the same as Shenmue II on the Dreamcast. Personally, I'm quite glad it's turned out this way. Even though the English dub in the first game wasn't that bad, it's just so much better to hear Japanese voices.

Apart from that I haven't really done much else this week except feeling ill. It seems that as soon as I recover from one bout of flu I get another one. I even had to miss my first International Business lecture/seminar on Friday because I was feeling so nauseous in the morning. It's such a pain being unwell. I might have to resort to wearing a biohazard suit if I don't recover properly soon. Thankfully, I felt a lot better in the evening so I went to go watch Tropic Thunder with a few friends. It had been a long time since I'd gone to the cinema to watch anything and it was nice to hear thumping audio system they had there. I like it when you can actually feel the explosions as they happen on the screen. As for the film, it was very enjoyable. Lots of very funny exchanges between the cast as well as some great action sequences. I particularly liked the performances from Robert Downey, Jr. and Tom Cruise. Downey's portrayal of an Australian actor playing an African American was nothing short of genius. It's a film that's well worth seeing.

Posted byHocchan at 5:58 pm  


Eric Montgomery said... 10:58 pm BST  

I haven't seen Tropic Thunder, but I don't believe Tom Cruise was in it. *blink*

BTW! what about the parcel? Did you get it? Where's the follow up? You can't just leave your readers hanging like that!

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