Kanashimi Mo Kuratte, Ikiro

I successfully enrolled for my course a couple of days ago via the university's online enrolment service. I'm now officially a student, hurrah! At the moment I haven't registered for any modules yet but I'm told that the tutors or course leaders will update my profile when the time comes. If there are any problems then I can always use the Module Change Form to rectify it. There's nothing else left to do now except pack up my belongings and move down to my new flat.

Unfortunately I don't know whether I'm going to get my student loan on the 15th September (when my course starts) or have to wait until the 18th. It all depends on the way the student loans company operates. If I don't get my loan on the 15th then I'm going to be struggling with money during Freshers' Week. That might be a massive headache as I'll have to buy lots of new things like bedding, stationery, books, etc. on a very meagre budget. I've asked various sources but it's still unknown as to how soon the money will arrive. I'll just have to cross my fingers and hope.

Speaking of buying things, I do need some new clothes when I start university. I'm tired of dressing like a tramp. I want to wear clothes that fit properly and are fashionable. I don't want to go too overboard but I've planned a new outfit that I can wear from day to day. It's based on Kurosaki's outfit from Kurosagi which consists of a black trench coat, black shirt, dark jeans and dark brown shoes. I might throw in a red tie for some extra colour if I'm feeling adventurous. Hopefully the whole thing won't cost me too much money. I've got a lot of other stuff to buy as well!

Posted byHocchan at 8:29 pm  


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