
God, it's severely boring today. I woke up at 10am and I've been sitting around doing nothing all day. I was planning to go into town to take a look around the shops but it's kind of downcast today. It even rained for a few minutes earlier. The worst part is that tomorrow will probably end up being the same /sigh. It's a bank holiday Monday too so the library won't be open. Neither will there be any post being delivered so I won't receive my TV tuner which means no TV. Some of the shops might be open in the town centre though so I guess I could venture out for a quick bit of window shopping. As for the evening, damned if I know what I'll be doing. I've pretty much exhausted my stock of DVDs and there's only so many times you can watch the same four Haromoni episodes in one day.

I guess I could read. One salvation I have is in the form of Terry Pratchet books. I've known of his work for years now, a few of my friends used to worship his stuff back in school. I was never that interesting in reading them at the time. Simply out of boredom I decided to hire three of his books out from the library to see what they were like. I was happy to find that they're exactly the type of fiction I like to read. When I was younger I used to enjoy reading books by an author called Brian Jacques. His books always involved a mystical world inhabited by various animals that could talk and fight and do all the things mostly associated with humans. My favourite was a mouse called Martin the Warrior who was a central character in a lot of the books. Although Terry Pratchet's work doesn't feature casts of talking animals, it does feature some very funny and interesting characters.

So far I've read 'Interesting Times' and 'Sourcery'. At first I thought all the books were only related by the fact that they were all set in Discworld. However, it seems that there appear to be some reappearing characters who are central to the world. One in particular is a wizard called Rincewind. He's not an awfully good wizard, and has a habit of running away a lot but he does have a certain charm about him. In 'Sourcery' there was a girl called Conina I became particularly fond of. I found her fighting prowess and intelligence to be an attractive trait. Not to mention the sharp wit and dry humour which made Conina a favourite of mine. I'm betting there are loads more intriguing characters to be found in the rest of Terry Pratchet's books. Ones which I shall hope to discover soon as I'll be devouring plenty of them in the coming weeks.

Posted byHocchan at 6:05 pm  


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