Watashi Wa Gatsudoru!

I bought The Karate Kid today from Woolworths for £3. I imagine it's not really very cool to say you like that film but I do! It's a blast from the past. A classic film for all the family. And most importantly; it's got Mr Miyagi in it!!! That should be good enough for anyone. I'm not sure if I've ever stated this before but I worship Miyagi-san. I think he's pure genius personified. Seeing Miyagi-san kicking punk arse is a joy to behold. If it weren't for him I don't think the film would have been anywhere as good as it was. Truly a legend. I don't think I'll need to review the story in much detail. I assumed that pretty much anyone would know it. But for those of you who don't, here's a short summary: boy moves to California, boy meets girl, boy gets beaten up because of girl, Miyagi-san kicks some punk-arse, Miyagi-san teaches boy Karate, boy kicks punk-arse, boy gets girl, the end. All the ingredients for a good film! I give it 8/10.

I also Pirates of the Carribean 2 today. I had enjoyed the first film, somewhat. I found the sequel to be just as good as the original. The story revolves around Jack Sparrow trying to find a chest belonging to Davy Jones. Apparently Davy Jones has come to collect the debt owe to him by Jack Sparrow for the Pearl. William is also looking for Jack Sparrow in order to free Elizabeth from prison. The film was a lot longer than I expected. You'd expect most Hollywood films to be short and sweet (excluding the ridiculous anomalies that are the Lord of the Rings trilogy that is) but this one was over 2 hours long. There were some pretty funny moments and plenty of action sequences. I think most of the original cast returns. It even has the obligatory shock ending that sets up the story for the next film. Film makers have no subtly these days... I rate it a solid 7/10 - good for a couple hours of entertainment.

I made a new signature for Xanthion. I figure that my skills have improved since I made the first one and that it was time for an update. Hope you like it. In other news, I can't get that damned USB DVB-T thing to work. It can't pick up any channels whether I'm using the portable aerial or a roof-mounted one. Thankfully it didn't cost me too much, and I'm trying to see if I can't get a refund from the seller. It's kind of worrying though. My purchases from eBay have been a little crappy recently. Maybe I'm becoming a little too complacent. I'll stick to my trusted Morning Musume CD sellers from Japan from now on. Speaking of Morning Musume, YesAsia have finally (after a whole month of waiting) managed to find a copy of the photo book I ordered. It should be sent out to me pretty soon, I can't wait. It's the latest photobook of Tanaka Reina from Morning Musume. I know what you're thinking... I should be locked up. A photo book full of pervy bikini shots of a 17-year old girl! To that I say, feh! Reina will keep me warm in those cold prison cells...

PS. Yes, I'm a perv.

Posted byHocchan at 3:07 pm  


Anonymous said... 7:39 pm BST  

Oh my God..... THAT Sig is amazing!!! Its incredible!!

Wow, what other ones of DRK could you do? Wow,.. just wow... It leaves me Speechless :O

As DRK, A sig that goes along with the whole DRK storyline is awesome. A loner, with the sword heavy with the thousands of souls of your slain victims; sigs that represent that like this one are amazing :D

GREAT job Hocc!!! :D I look forward to anything you make :D

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