Kireina Senretsu

Well, in the words of someone from an old television commercial (one which I can't remember the name of the product it advertised), I “wasn't expecting that”! What the hell is it with 2007? It seems to be the year for surprises, both good and bad. I was totally not expecting a new expansion pack for Final Fantasy XI so soon after the previous one. It doesn't seem that long ago that Aht Urhgan was released. I haven't even completed half of the missions for it yet. Hell, I've not even completed Chains of Promathia yet (isn't my fault it's so stupidly biased to certain jobs /grumble)! The new expansion, titled Wing of the Goddess, is due for release in the winter of this year. That means that they're going to be tying up the storyline to Aht Urhgan pretty soon. Obviously details are a bit sketchy at the moment concerning Wings of the Goddess, but it seems a strong time travelling element is present. Speculation amongst the forums is that it will be set around the time of the Crystal War. Screenshots which have been released by Square-Enix show various places such as Rolanberry Fields before they were ruined by the war. Whatever the setting, I'm betting it's going to be awesome. I really hope that it's not like CoP in terms of missions though. Restrictive gameplay: (|No, thanks.|) as it were.

While I'm on the subject of FFXI, I've been dreaming of all the stuff I'm going to do when I finally return. I've been considering a marathon week where I play 23.5 hours a day for 7 days (the half an hour is for sleep, obviously). OK, perhaps not that ridiculously devoted but I'm definitely going to be making up for lost time. I've compiled a small list of things which are top of the agenda:

1.) Take part in the Adventurer Appreciation campaign;
2.) Get a merit party with my Samurai and go insane with skillchains;
3.) Complete some Assaults in Ilrusi Atoll and get my Amir Dirs;
4.) Level my Corsair and bust out some Quick Draws for fun;
5.) Complete some more missions.

There are plenty more things that I'd like to do when I get back but those are the main ones. I'm praying that it won't be too long until I get to do them. Praise be to Altana!

Posted byHocchan at 7:23 pm  


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