Kao Dekai!

Was feeling a bit gloomy yesterday, but I don't really want to go into the reason why. All that matters now is that I've cheered up a lot. And it's thanks in part to Proposal Daisakusen. It's just full of moments that make you grin like and idiot. Sometimes because the stuff that happens is so funny, other times because the moments are so touching. The soundtrack is particularly brilliant too. Full of emotional music that can make you feel melancholic in one instance, and full of hope the next. It's great stuff. One reason I like dramas about high school is because I have a longing to return to those times. I missed a lot of it for various reasons and I now regret not having more memories to reminisce about. People used to tell us that you should enjoy school while you can. Because once it's finished you'll never get to experience it again. I never truly believed them at the time but now I totally agree. If I could go back and do it all again like Ken in Proposal Daisakusen, I would make sure I lived life to the full. However, since I can't I'll have to do the next best thing. Live life to the full right now. Make sure that every day I experience is something I'll look back on and smile about. That's very much the same ethos that Ichi Rittoru no Namida was trying to teach. The world is our oyster as the saying goes. In which case, let's eat a plateful of it!

Posted byHocchan at 8:16 pm  


Anonymous said... 3:44 am BST  

I would not return to my school days (pre-college) if given the chance. I didn't HATE high school or elementary school, I just never stood out at all, nor do I have a desire to find out what I could have done had I been more extroverted. I feel like my entire grade school high school days were all just cacoon days, and the time of butterflies didn't arrive until I graduated from high school and went on to college. Those are the days I'd relive again. I loved my time in college. It had some rough moments, but over all it was a very fun and exciting time. (BTW, I have been watching a bit of proposal myself, that boy really is dense, poor Rei! )

Hocchan said... 2:32 pm BST  

But that's the whole point, is it not? To change a bad experience into a good one? Imagine you could go back with what you know now, the person you are now, and relive it, make better memories, have more fun. Then you wouldn't look back on high school with such disappointment.

Anonymous said... 11:51 pm BST  

I wouldn't say I'm disappointed, my "bad" experiences have changed me and helped me grow into the person I am today. Who's to say that you can "change" things anyway? Maybe the idea of going back to one moment like in the show. But reliving all of high school? no thanks!

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