Nantettatte Idol
12 July 2007
Today was my final day at the offices of MBW. I spent the last four days doing a work placement in their administration section. I did some general filing, answered calls that came into reception, and lots of photocopying. I loved the photocopying. It might sound strange but churning out thousands of sheets of paper in a day is just so satisfying. The guy in reception and one of the staff from Basic Skills were impressed with my uber photocopying abilities /laugh. I'm not sure if they were being serious or not but they said that I was a fast worker. I'd get through stacks of 25-30 page booklets and have 8 copies of each done in a single morning. It was a hell of a lot of fun. The rest of the staff were very complimentary of my standard of work. They've even told me to forward a CV to the boss of the centre. I'll be doing that tomorrow on the last day of the course. These past two weeks have gone by quite quickly and I've learnt a lot in that time. I have to thank all the staff for making me feel welcome.
My internet connection went balls up last night. I'd just gotten a party on Final Fantasy XI with my Corsair and was heading out to the camp. All of a sudden I got disconnected and had to wait a couple of minutes before I could connect again. I logged back in and continued my journey. Just before I got to the camp I got disconnected again. Same stupid problem of dropped connection. Logged back in for the second time and joined the party. After a few enemies it did it again. I was getting so pissed off by this point. I felt really bad for my party. Eventually it wouldn't connect at all and I had to give up. I wouldn't blame them if they never invited me again after that palaver. I'm going to try again tonight for a party. I'll have to pray the internet doesn't bugger up again.
PS. Need to reduce the amount of times the word "I"/"I'll"/I've" comes up in my posts...
Posted byHocchan at 5:23 pm
Why do you need to reduce the number of times you insert "I" et. al.? Isn't this blog suppose to be about you? What I am missing, are the horie yui pictures. :( it seems you've become unfaithful..tsk tsk... :) Miss you! Glad we still have blogs to keep in touch!
I just read somewhere that if you write about yourself using the pronoun "I" a lot then it means you're obsessed with yourself. I don't know if it's true or not.
I'm not being unfaithful! It's just there haven't been any decent pictures lately. The site I usually go to hasn't had any worth saving. When there are some you can be certain that I'll post them on here.
Well, you could start using the royal "we" but I think that shows arrogance and self-indulgence more than the personal pronoun "I" how else are you to talk about yourself in a blog about yourself? You're entitled to be obssessed for a few minutes, especially when venting :) Thanks for commenting on my blog! I feel loved...
Maybe I should do what the queen does and refer to myself as 'one' and 'oneself' /laugh.
"One has just seen a great film. One was most pleased with oneself".