Proposal Daisakusen

I've been meaning to make a new post for a few days now so I've got quite a bit of news to report. Where to start? Guess I'll get my grievances out of the way first. I've only been a customer of BT for a month and they've already incurred my wrath! I received my first quarterly bill for phone line and expected it to be around £33.00 (being that each month is £10.50). But you know what they've gone and done? They've added some crappy "payment processing fee" onto the bill. Apparently I'm supposed to pay an extra £5 so they can send me a piece of paper? Little sod-faces. This was after I signed up to Direct Debit in order to avoid this ridiculous charge. They STILL took that £5 out of my account. I'm in the process of trying to get them to refund me that money. I feel I've been unfairly treated, especially since I'm a bloody new customer. It's about time someone brought BT down! They have a total monopoly on phone lines and it's stupid what they can get away with. Payment processing fee, my arse!

Right, that's the unpleasant stuff out of the way, onto the good stuff. I went a bit mad on eBay recently. I was looking through the store of the guy who's getting me the Morning Musume album and I came across some items with low prices and no bids. I put a few of them onto my watch list and waited until the day they were due to end. With about 30 mins to go I checked on the auctions and some still didn't have bids so I thought, what the hell, lets bid for a couple. I decided on the 3 CD set of Petit Best 1, 2 and 3, and the Tanpopo album. I ended up being the sole bidder and won them at their starting price. So now there'll be 5 CDs on their way to me this week. Whole lot came to about £25.00, including postage and packaging. I can't wait for them to arrive. I'll have a lot of new stuff to listen to /joy.

On the drama front, I've finished watching Hotelier. The ending disappointed me a little, I felt they took the easy way out. I would like to have seen a bit more of the relationship between Odagiri and Ogata, and also what happened to the hotel. But overall the series was decent enough. It certainly had one of the best ending themes of any drama. Ueto Aya's "Namida No Niji" is a beautiful song that's very addictive. The video for it is also fantastic and adds a lot of depth to the lyrics. I don't think there have been many music videos that have had the same impact on me. I love it.

Another thing I love is the new drama I've started watching. It's called Proposal Daisakusen and the first episode is superb. It starts off with Iwase Ken rushing in order to get to the church in time for what you think is his wedding. In fact it turns out that he's merely a guest who's a friend of Rei, the bride. It's not a happy occasion as he's now watching the girl he loves getting married to another man. He spends the whole ceremony regretting the fact that he never told her how he felt. During a slide show of old photos he sees one that was taken at the end of a baseball match they'd lost. It was Rei's last game as manager and he remembers how sad she looked in the photo. All of a sudden the room goes dark and Ken is blinded by a spotlight. Out of nowhere a man appears and tells Ken that he can have another chance to relive a part of his life in order to win the girl's affection. After another blinding light Ken finds himself at the baseball game from 5 years ago!

This time Ken is determined to change the outcome of the match. When he goes up to bat at the end of the last innings he hits the ball to the far end of the field. While the fielders rush to get the ball Ken races round the bases. In the previous reality he would have stopped at third base but, remembering that the next batter would have struck out, he gambles for fourth. Despite performing a diving reach for the base he is tapped out and they lose the game again. Feeling totally upset he isolates himself amongst the stands at the end of the game. Rei appears and they end up talking. She asks him why he carried on running after third base and he replies, because of a promise he made to her. This seems to cheer Rei up and Ken begins to feel better. They get interrupted by Eri (a friend of Rei) for the group photo. As the flash of the camera fills the screen he gets transported back to the wedding. He feels as though he's failed until he notices the photo has changed. Rei is now smiling and looking happy. But nothing has changed, she's still married to someone else. The man from earlier reappears and tells him that a picture cannot be retaken twice, but there are other photos. And that's where the episode ends. I can't wait for the next one. I have a feeling this drama is going to be excellent. I need more!

Phew! After that synopsis I can't really go on and report some more news. Instead I'll save it for the next post. Look forward to it!

Posted byHocchan at 9:27 pm  


Anonymous said... 2:12 am BST  

That J-Drama you mention, Proposal Daisakusen sounds really good. I'll have to search for it some time. I wonder if a few episodes are on YouTube with subtitles. I've never been disappointed by your recommendations, so i'm looking forward to watching this one.

Hocchan said... 2:43 pm BST  

You have to watch this drama! I've just finished watching the second episode and I'm loving it even more. Glad my synopsis didn't put you off, I wrote it last night when I was super tired. It doesn't do it justice. I checked YouTube and someone's upload a lot of the episodes (though they shouldn't have). You can watch a couple and see if you like it. You should really download it on torrent though, it's worth it.

Hocchan said... 3:16 pm BST  

Hmm... just checked again. Can't find episode one on there. May have to look somewhere else for it.

Anonymous said... 7:44 pm BST  

Yeah, I can't watch torrents on this computer as it belongs to my work. So, I'll have to wait until I get home. I still need to download the Song to the sun episodes, found them in torrent last night and am excited to watch them when I get back to TX. A friend of mine recommended Sakura, you ever seen that one?

Hocchan said... 7:53 pm BST  

Never heard of Sakura but I did some research. 156 episodes at 15 mins each! 0.0 Sounds good though, anything produced by NHK is high quality. And it's got some good viewing figures. Averaged 23.3% (of whole country) which is pretty high. I'll give it a try if I can find a torrent for it.

Taiyou no Uta isn't as good as Ichi Rittoru but it's still worth watching. Maybe watch that first before Proposal so that you don't get too depressed /laugh.

Hocchan said... 7:55 pm BST  

OMG!! Just looked at the cast list for Sakura and guess who's in it? Only the infamous Thane Camus from that Haromoni English Academy episode! Got to see it now!

Anonymous said... 8:45 pm BST  

lol, also the son of Boston Pops conductor Ozawa is in it too. Reading the synopsis, it sounded good to me...thane camus leads me to think that it must be a bit of a comedy too....let me know if you find the torrent, I'll ask my friend where he downloads his.

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