Arienee Ttsuuno!

Before we begin, the title may look a bit odd but I didn't just mash the keys and hope for the best. It is Japanese for 'that's unbelievable/impossible!' or something along those lines. It's a line from 'Hana Yori Dango' which the main character says a lot when she's shocked or angry. It's kind of addictive to say so I've picked it up and started to use it. Arienee ttsuuno! Speaking of 'Hana Yori Dango', I finished watching the first season and I'm now a few episodes into the second. I'm not too keen on the new season so far. It lacks some of that magic from the first one. I was surprised to see a cameo appearance by Ikuta Toma (from 'Hanazakari') in the 2-hour first episode. He didn't play such a nice guy though this time. The make up artists also made him look quite odd, almost kind of creepy. Maybe that's what they were aiming for since his character was like that but I think they over did it. The plot of this season continues straight on from the end of the first and introduces another, rather annoying character to get in the way of Tsukasa and Tsukushi. Tsukasa's mother remains, as ever, an interfering old cow. The whole thing doesn't seem to fit, I don't know why. I think the problem is that it's all been done before in the first season. Maybe it'll get better as it goes on. We shall see how it pans out.

I had a massive levelling session on Final Fantasy XI yesterday. Pretty much played the whole day. I got three different merit parties and clocked up a grand total of over 100,000 limit points. I'm very nearly done capping my Store TP trait on Samurai. Once that's done I think I'll get a few other bits and pieces done before continuing down the STR merit route. It does seem a lot easier to get parties now compared to a few months ago. I even had one party which got up to chain #113 shortly before I had to AFK for a couple of minutes. I could never have dreamed of getting such a good party not long ago but it seems more common now. The new expansion pack is out soon and I'm looking forward to playing the new Dancer job. I've already pre-ordered it from so all I got to do it wait until 22nd November for it to get released. Can't wait!

Posted byHocchan at 5:01 pm  


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