Nobuta Power Chuunyuu!

I finished watching 'Nobuta Wo Produce' last night. It was quite a bittersweet ending. On the one hand it was nice to finally see Nobuko have the confidence and ability to interact and make friends with people in the school. I was expecting a drastic change to her character throughout the series but in truth very little changed. She's still the same Nobuko we grew to know and love, except now she hasn't closed herself off to the world anymore. It was really great seeing her finally beginning to enjoy her life. On the other hand, however, she no longer has her two first and greatest friends by her side. They really had some great times together, despite the hardships they faced. It's a bit of shame that they won't be together any longer. However, the fact that Nobuko herself suggested Akira go join Shuji just shows how much strength she has now. And that's probably the best result you could get. I really grew to love Nobuko (and not just because Horikita Maki plays her). She's one of my favourite characters from any drama I've watched.

I don't know why I didn't notice how good this drama was for so long. It can be very difficult to watch at times because of the subject matter, but it eases off towards the end. It does have one of those really infuriating characters in it though. The sort of person you wish you could slap seven shades of crap out of them every time you see their face. The type of person you wouldn't help if you saw them being mauled by a pack of wolves in the street. Thankfully, they don't ruin the series much. And it was a great pleasure seeing their plan fail. I would say the only thing wrong with this drama is its length. At only ten episodes long it feels way too short. I don't think there's much scope for a special any time soon. Still, it was highly enjoyable to watch this drama. I'm already downloading my next series - Kurosagi. Even more Horikita Maki goodness. Yatta!

Posted byHocchan at 6:34 am  


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