Full Throttle

Sigh... I've been feeling rather despondent lately. I'm having trouble getting a good night's rest. It's not unusual for me to wake up more tired than when I went to sleep. The fatigue isn't helping my concentration levels either and I find myself constantly forgetting things. I haven't been very helpful to my friend Siraji on FFXI lately due to this and I feel pretty bad about it. I keep apologising and hoping for a chance to make amends but I just end up messing up even more. If only I could just get my act together. Both in the game and in real life. My life has no meaning right now. I'm just aimlessly drifting through it without any real purpose. Even now I haven't got a clue what I want to do as a career. If only I could be one of those people who are so set on their dreams and know exactly what to do to achieve them. Perhaps I'm just too lazy or scared, or both. I've probably written something similar to this in an earlier post but that's no surprise. It's just one of those things that seems to come around every year. I wonder when I can finally put this to rest? I need to stop dithering and sort my life out!

Enough depressing talk. Something that's more preferable to talk about is the return of 'Taihou Shichauzo'. This is an anime that is one of my all time favourite series. It's been years since the second season and film were released so I was shocked to learn that a new series had started earlier this month. I was especially pleased to learn that the original voice actors had returned to voice the characters, in particular Hiramatsu Akiko who plays Kobayakawa Miyuki. She's probably my second favourite voice actress behind Horie Yui. The anime retains that mix of humour, romance and action that made the previous seasons so successful. It's been a long time since I've watched any anime so this is a nice way to return to it. Excellent stuff.

Posted byHocchan at 7:07 pm  


Mrs, Samaripa 10/10/08 said... 3:12 am BST  

Howdy, you sound like me. I feel like that all the time. I'm tired all the time, grouchy, can't seem to remember things and remembering that I forget makes me feel worse. It's like you don't want to get up in the morning cuz the day already starts out like crap. It eventually goes away and then I get all hyper and super happy. Hope your days get better soon!

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