Nibelung Valesti

I've been playing lots of Valkyrie Profile Silmeria the last couple of days. It's really getting good now that I'm getting into the swing of things. The thrill of performing combos and special attacks hasn't worn off yet. My record so far stands at 83 hits on a scorpion thing in the ruins. I got lucky with a Break mode early on and finished it with two Whirling Rippers and a Nibelung Valesti. It was a thing of beauty /laugh. I think the storyline is one of the game's strong points. It really draws you into the world, very much like the Final Fantasy games. The graphics are still impressive. Each area is beautifully rendered and lit in an astonishing way. It's just a pity that some of the character animations aren't quite up to scratch. Neither are the voices that crop up in each battle. There are also some minor niggles that affect the enjoyment of the game (like when one of your characters gets separated from the group by getting stuck on a wall) but these are thankfully uncommon. Despite the minor irritations, I think Silmeria is deserving enough to be named Valkyrie Profile. It's just a damned shame that I seem to have bought a copy that's been handled by a hyper-active three year old armed with a penknife...

As you may have guessed from the picture, I received the first Valkyrie Profile game this morning. With this copy I don't have to worry about the condition as it's brand new and never opened. And it remains that way for the moment. I've not broken the seal yet, I was planning on doing that after writing this post. From the back of the box it doesn't look too different from Silmeria. I wonder if this Ultimate Hits version has any extra bits that the original game didn't have? That is something I shall have to look into. I won't be playing it properly until I've completed Silmeria which begs the question, how will that affect my experience of it? Usually if you play a sequel first and then go backwards to the original it feels less refined. Sequels (for the most part) take the best bits from the original and make them better. Does this mean that I'm not going to enjoy it as much as if I'd played this one first? Only time will tell I guess. I also believe that Valkyrie Profile didn't gain it's legendary status for no reason. It's probably considered a better game than Silmeria by many loyal fans. With that in mind, I'm now going to load it up and see what all the fuss is about. Mata ne!

Posted byHocchan at 4:12 pm  


Mrs, Samaripa 10/10/08 said... 3:45 am BST  

OMG you're flashing titties! I should notify someone of the objectional material on your blog. :P I suppose it was about time that you posted more of these pics. Splash a few innocent pictures of horie and then BOOM we get biddies with titties!

Hocchan said... 5:53 am BST  

Hmm? Oh, I hadn't noticed. I was just interested in how the Katana looked. Never noticed the half-naked girl lying there.

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