Test The (Dumb) Nation

Since there's only one day left of August, and I'm well in the lead for posts this month, I thought I'd take some time off and relax. Didn't even work up a sweat. I expect there will be a parcel arriving for me soon. It should contain the crown that was so unceremoniously snatched from me last month /laugh. This is going to be a sweet victory. Anyway, onto the main news. The reason I've not posted anything for a week is because I've been playing Final Fantasy XI a lot since the update. They've changed the damage calculations for two-handed weapons, added grips, and changed several weapon skills (not least Yukikaze/Gekko/Kasha for Great Katana). This has made being a two-hand weapon user much less underpowered compared to the millions of dual-wielders and Monks. I'm doing a bit more damage in terms of regular melee attacks but it's the weapon skills that have had their damage upped. Where as before I'd be doing around 600-700 damage to Very Toughs, I'm now doing 1,000-1,100 damage (even going as high as 1,900). This has been the same for Dragoons and Warriors using Great Axes. It's really levelled the playing field. Lots of people are complaining that it's too much and it should be changed (mainly the whining dual-wielders) but I hope it stays. This has been one of the best updates they've done in a while. Square Enix have done well this time.

Last Monday was a Bank Holiday and so the BBC decided to put Test the Nation - National IQ test on. My friend and I have taken every single one of their tests since they started some years ago. We made a pact that if we ever got over a score of 130 we'd both take the Mensa test. So far we haven't achieved this, the closest I ever got was 126. This year they made the test harder by reducing the thinking time and changing the questions. It really made it tougher and as a result we both got hideously low scores. I got a measly 110 which I wasn't very pleased with. I do feel that I was cheated by the BBC though. They said that because of the increase in difficulty the same amount of correct questions from this test would equate to a higher score than previous years. Bullcrap! I only got a few questions less than my last one but I'm a whopping 16 points lower?! That's rubbish! I demand retribution for their insolence! /fume

Wow! A new record on Valkyrie Profile Silmeria. A massive 105 hits on some enemy in the Seraphic Gate. I've since completed the game and saved over the file so I won't be beating that score in a while. I've got to get through Valkyrie Profile first before I start it again.

Posted byHocchan at 12:53 am  


Mrs, Samaripa 10/10/08 said... 11:54 am BST  

it's a bit unfair of a competition since you normally make a new post within the same day, where as I will "edit" my post for that day. However, I'm a good lass and will relinquish this glimmering crown that sits upon my lavish curls. :(

Hocchan said... 11:26 pm BST  

What what? I understand not what this fair lady speaketh of. Me thinks someone can't handle the competition /laugh. I've turned writing about mundane things into an art form.

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